Need Graphics?
a Website?
or a Mobile Application Design?
Kimberley Kolors delivers end to end services, from strategic design through to the end Product. Our development model is simple, we produce creative and innovate designs that are designed and developed to enhance the user experience.
Our team comprises of advanced and highly skilled, multi disapplied design professionals, that also have hands on technical experience and over 30 years design experience between our 2 senior designers, our small dedicated team approach is what empowers us to deliver a personal innovative solutions tailored to the unique needs of our clients.
We love solving complex business problems and we can’t wait to get involved in your latest project.

Graphic Design
Good graphic design stands out from the rest, for all the right reasons.
We want you to succeed.
We can provide you and your team with a full branding package as well as end printed products made in our print studio here in Broome and delivered to your door.
Web Design
At Kimberley Kolors we are specialists in designing and developing websites, either completely custom design or WordPress depending on clients requirements and budget.
We can create complex web applications that allow for a variety of users, interfaces and functionalities.
We are constantly training and keeping up with the most modern design methods, keeping your websites future compatible with flowing ergonomic designs.
Mobile Application
So, you’ve got a great app idea you want to bring to life. We’ve got the app development experience and expertise to make that happen.
A good app design is at the forefront in making your business stand out from the rest in this fast developing market.
We take the time to understand your business objectives and requirements of your app, to ensure your app brings real value and succeeds in the marketplace.